Thursday, February 27, 2020

Forum 3 research methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Forum 3 research methods - Essay Example It was found that people who wanted the inclusion of homosexuals into the protected group supported the hate crime law whereas others that wanted homosexuals out of the protected group rejected the hate crime law. As contained by the theory of identity politics, the data-supported path model helped the researchers find that the people who considered the hate crimes a source of fear among the victim group’s members as well as the economic and social liberals raised their support for the inclusion of the homosexuals into the hate crime laws. Rest of the research findings were not consistent with the theory of identity politics that considers the movement a united front. A surprising finding of the research was that the likelihood of belief in the increase of hate crimes was found to be more in the social conservatives as compared to the economic conservatives. All variables possibly having some kind of indirect or direct relationship with the dependent model included in the study were displayed in the form of a skeletal model shown in the article as Fig. 1. The skeletal model’s fundamental dependent variable was the general extent of support of a respondent for a hate crime law containing the condition of penalty enhancement. The definition of a variable as the dependent or independent variable depended upon the regression. In total, seven regressions were performed. In the first regression, the dependent variable in the skeletal model i.e. general hate crime law attitude was shown towards the extreme right with all of the independent variables towards the left. In the subsequent six regressions, â€Å"the dependent variables were homosexual inclusion, verbal aggression inclusion, hate crimes increased, fear among other group members, social liberalism/conservatism, and economic liberalism/conservatism† (Johnson and Byers, 2 003, p. 232), whereas the independent variables in these six regressions were all variables towards the left of but not above or

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Inclusion and the Inclusive Learning Environment Essay - 2

Inclusion and the Inclusive Learning Environment - Essay Example also requires that the teacher involves recognizes that all learners are different in their own ways and therefore, what may look helpful and good for the attainment of goals for one learner may not necessarily be good for another learner. In seeking to understand the inclusive environment, it is also crucial to consider that each learner has something unique to add to the learning environment that can be of help to other learners. Students come from different background with varying upbringing. It is therefore crucial that a teacher is able to harmonize them to get them to live in peace and unity (Willis, 2009). An inclusive environment is also characterized by flexible approaches to the learning process (Willis, 2009). The world of education is very dynamic as it evolves each decade with new needs arising every time. It is therefore of great need it is reassessed each time and the necessary changes made. The changes can be attributed to the increasing educational opportunities across the globe. Consequently, it is of essential need, those teachers to be able to nurture the full potential of each student. By teachers being in a position to model inclusive learning attitudes in their students, they are able to learn and apply the strategies as they acknowledge their differences and have profound respect for diversity. Examples of strategies used in the inclusive environment are that regarding how teachers nod learners interact and relate to one another (Willis, 2009). This involves use of the respectful vocabularies and terminologies towards one another. Good communication strategies ensure that comments and views are not mistaken to be discriminatory. In addition to this, the body language should also be appropriate and decent at all times. Another strategy is that which involves, the kind of teaching resources the teacher employs (Willis, 2009). The resources ought to be suitable and compatible with all the learners’ needs. Let no learn feel sidelined or